Tuesday 2 November 2010

The Lighting of the character Harry Brown (Michael Caine)

I particularly like the lighting of the character of Harry Brown in this film.

He is often lit from underneath to shadow the left-side and the underside of his face, giving his character a gritty edge. The high contrast in his face that results highlights both his age, by showing his wrinkles and other features, as well as shadowing him to give him a menacing look. Below are some examples of this.

Lighting comes from the above artificial light to shadow the underside of his face. Also there is a warm orange back light - possibly a street light.
Lighting from above right. Warm tones suggest a street lamp. Left hand side of Caine's face is shadowed. Light on the gun suggests another light shined at that to make it visible to the audience. 

This shot is brighter than the previous ones, with light coming not only from the artificial lights visible in shot but also from sunlight or something similar. Shine on Caine's face and gun is caused by the artificial lighting. 

This shot is probably done by sunlight and a reflector board. Caine is light from the above suggesting sunlight is the main source. 

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